Portrait of Joan Carra in psychic attire
Photograph by lucillekhornak.com
Recognized in seven books!

from author Jack Rourke

THE RATIONAL PSYCHIC™, A skeptic's guide to extraordinary perception

"..she began speaking a laundry list of things only my twin could know. In fact I interrupted Joan more than once to prevent her from revealing things I did not want mentioned publicly. After a gentle pause, Joan began sharing the very private last few moments my sister and I had shared as she crossed over. I was dumbfounded as Joan recounted my empathic near-death experience from my dead twin’s point of view!”

Joan Carra is a fully vetted psychic and medium. She has been invited to read and teach at many reputable spiritual centers which include: The Edgar Cayce Center of NY, The Wainwright House, The Awaken Fair, The Center for Spiritual Development,  (formerly Alberston Church of Spiritualism,) Lily Dale Assembly, and the Sarasota Creative Life Center. Often times ordained ministers evaluate Joan 's readings. The Edgar Cayce Center has a Code of Ethics that she must follow in order to represent them as a reader and teacher. These centers use feedback forms that are reviewed and evaluated . For three decades, Joan has read for the owners of the New Age stores, event planning companies as well as the authors, whose books recommended her.

Psychic and Medium Joan Carra grew up in a metaphysical family. Her father had an occult library, her mother had prophetic dreams and her aunt read from a half a deck of playing cards, so psychic phenomena was natural and not supernatural. In 1979, Joan had a spiritual awakening and experienced what she can only describe "as a light that made me aware of the oneness of all things. It was very healing and forgiving.  She was then able to rely on her intuition to solve problems and help others. 

Joan watched her aunt Josie read playing cards -  only the nine to the Ace and interpreting coffee grinds. Joan reads playing cards as well and is a sought after tea leaf reader,  a lost art in today's modern world. She was invited to read tea leaves for a promotion for the TV Show The Outlander and Yoga Betty's corporate headquarters. 

Joan’s spiritual counseling is recognized in seven books including the first edition of The 100 Top Psychics in America and Psychic New York. She has been interviewed in WAG Magazine, The Wall St. Journal, N.Y. Daily News, and radio WINS News.

Predicted in 2000 on Channel 11 news WPIX Millennium Psychic Panel interview that Hillary Clinton would not be the first woman president. Predicted a Trump win in February 2016 at Katonah Integrative Study Group.

In 2005, both AM New York and The Daily New printed her prediction of the terrible floods in NYC, which resulted from Hurricane Sandy.

Joan has lectured in major metaphysical centers and expos, such as the NY New Life Expo, New Living Expo in San Francisco, The Awaken Fairs, FIONS - Friends of of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, N.Y., Near Death Experience Groups, The Eyes of Learning, Sedona Creative Center and on the ship the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California for Ghost Fest. She was also asked to hire 100 psychics for a promotional event in N.Y.C. for the television series Psychic Detective. Perhaps the biggest gathering of professional psychics ever!

She has also appeared on many television shows such as: NOVA, Strange Universe, Uniquely You as a guest and co-host, The Unexplained, Heyer's Insights, Unlimited Possibilities and  Discovering Yourself.

Joan wrote a chapter in the following books and they are available on Amazon.

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